Nigel Gavin

Nigel Gavin

The distance from Nigel Gavin’s Long Island, New York birthplace to New Zealand, where he now lives, may explain the original working title for his album Thrum – Off the Beaten Track. At first a visitor, now a resident, Nigel has long been a featured player in New Zealand’s eclectic music scene, particularly in Auckland, playing guitar, banjo, mandolin, bass, glissentar – indeed, almost anything with strings – with the Nairobi Trio, the Fondue Set, the Jews Brothers, Lorina Harding, Wayne Gillespie, Whirimako Black, Richard Adams, Caitlin Smith, the Blue Bottom Stompers, Below the Bassline, Jonathan Besser’s Bravura and his own Snorkel, to name just a few. An active and keen mentor to young artists, Nigel is the founder and director of the Gitbox Rebellion guitar ensemble. He has toured around the world with Robert Fripp, of ‘King Crimson’ fame, and his ‘League of Crafty Guitarists’, giving concerts and workshops and is a founding member of the Tiny Orchestral Moments international music collaboration project in Seattle, USA.


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