Surya Masala

Surya Masala

DJ Surya Masala is no stranger to being behind the decks at Luminate, and is honoured to have been invited to return to Pikikirunga for Lunasa and offer her unique global & conscious infused dance beats. Renowned for taking her dance floor on a mystical journey she whisks you away on her magic carpet to many lands for a whole body, mind & spiritual experience. She prefers not to define her style by genre but instead by a flavour. Balancing the masculine & feminine energies, the sacred with the bass, acting as a bridge and crossing the boundaries on the dancefloor.
Through Cacao Aroha Heart Medicine Journeys, she has also started to offer ceremonial cacao infused conscious events fuelled by an even deeper desire to raise the collective consciousness and let the heart guide the way.
Although not offering ceremonial cacao herself on this occasion, she recommends gifting yourself a cup of cacao before her DJ set so you can drop fully into the heart for a shamanic journey on the dancefloor. A moving meditation, medicine for these times.


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