Grounded by Earth, Held in Loving Touch: 2 on 1 Clothed Bodywork
Presenter: Hera Livingstone and Anahita Hun
Participants will learn simple yet effective techniques of bodyworks and hopefully feel inspired to share loving healing touch throughout the festival.
Presenter Bio:
Hera Livingston has 25 Years experience in Thai Massage, and has introduced many people to the techniques. “After many years I still absolutely love the accessibility of this form, the openings and releases, the grounding and support from Papatuanuku.
Anahita Hun has been practicing LomiLomi – the art of compassionate and loving touch for 15 years. “It’s a practice of flowing with loving awareness, and there’s a never-ending deepening to it. The key lies in staying present and returning to pure connection, much like in meditation.”

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