Presence with Props

Presence with Props

Presenter: Cecily Reed

The intention for this workshop is to deeply come into presence and coherence in moving flow props/ toys around and with our earthly temples. When we can come into a focused, optimal state with the mind body connection activated, spirit can move through us in pure expression. Fostering engagement of awareness with props, we can feel them as extensions of ourselves and our unique state of flow can emerge unhindered.
Presence and play are key in developing our diverse flavour of ‘flow state’.

The principles of embodied play, musicality and our imaginations will be anchors to our exploration.
This workshop is open to all props and flow toy lovers, however I will be using the Rope Dart as my main modality to teach.
It’s origin in Chinese Martial Arts makes it a brilliant example of the ways we can cross over these learnings into our day to day living.

Presenter Bio:

Tapping into my flow state has been exponentially valuable for my life. It was a transformational tool in my recovery from a fractured vertebrae in 2022, when I started researching the theory of flow state and how it can positively influence our wider lives.
I have experience in Rope Dart, Poi, Dragon Staff, Double Staffs, Fans and Contact Sword.

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