Maori Conscious Connection
Arts & Culture Workshop
This workshop offers an insight into a Maori worldview with exercises that strip away the mainstream culture of consumerism and competition to explore the shift into a new paradigm of conscious connection to Papatuanuku, earth mother. ‘Mā whero, mā pango, ka oti ai ngā mahi.’ Together we will flourish.
This workshop will be a combination of story telling, factual information, interactive engagement and self/group analysis. It will require participants to take a look at the world around them through different eyes.
Wiremu will use a combination of; Deep ecology exercises from Joanna Macey, theatre of the oppressed exercises, readings from Maori authors, Yoga breath techniques, Maori haka movements, waiata and taonga puoro. We will build an environment where the participants can freely express themselves, reflect on what they see in themselves and openly discuss what they believe to be a way forward for themselves and for society as a whole.
Presenter Bio:
Wiremu was raised in a small Maori community beside the sea on the outskirts of Porirua city. This has been the foundation of his deep connection to the whenua and cultural practices of his people that have guided him throughout his life. The creativity and connection to the land he experienced as a child became the basis from which he created his career. In the early years he worked as a visual artist, a carver, dancer, an actor and a Kura kaupapa Māori teacher. He moved on to write children’s books, direct for radio,TV, film and stage. Wiremu began his directing career creating Māori online games, short films, education resources, numerous corporate videos and installations. Later he directed for Maori TV producing documentaries, corporate videos for Maori organisations, self funded on line documentaries.
Wiremu has shifted the focus of his work in more recent years to encompass his passion for healthy communities, permaculture, gardening and natural healing based on tikanga Maori. Drawing experience from the best practices of the past that aligning them with modern day systems with similar values. Wiremu is an avid supporter of Rangatiratanga in everyday life, earth connected education and initiatives that align with these kaupapa. He believes in fostering healthy relationships, resilience, connection and life enhancing practice. Wiremu is a surfer, a yoga teacher and lives in a Tiny House he built with friends.

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