The Origins of Haka
Arts & Culture Workshop
We will look at the origins of haka by returning to the source of where the energy used to perform a haka dwells, how to harness this energy and then express it. It will help enlighten those who attend with knowledge as to why haka was performed and how it is relevant today.
There are many misconceptions out there relating to haka as it is seen on TV as a type of war dance/performance before a sporting match. Together we will go on a journey to its origin so that people can really appreciate it for what it is and learn about the God of peace and God of war and who governs these realms in Maoridom.
Presenter Bio:
Kemara Kennedy (New Zealand Maori) is a descendant of the Te Arawa people that occupy the central North Island of New Zealand. Predominantly affiliated to the Ngati Pikiao tribe that reside around the Rotoiti Lake district east of the township of Rotorua.
Tiare Tito (New Zealand Maori) is also a descendant of the Te Arawa people and shares Polynesian lineage back to the homeland of Rarotonga. Her tribe of the Ngati Tuwharetoa occupy and are the guardians of the great volcanic lake-district known as Taupo-nui-a-Tia and the majestic mountain Tongariro that mark the southern boundary of the Te Arawa people.
Te Rua Mauri simply translates to The Organic Source. Te Rua in the Maori language is a ground made storage pit for food and Mauri is the internal life force of oneself. The idea of combining these two interpretations makes up the fundamental platform that allows us to explore the knowledge of our people, seek enlightenment and retain the source of its origin.
Each of our members of Te Rua Mauri have walked their own cultural paths and have a wealth of life experience in these aspects. All have been immersed in Maori culture and have represented our people nationally and internationally.

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