Recognising ourselves as BioEnergy, BioField, or BioPlasma

Recognising ourselves as BioEnergy, BioField, or BioPlasma

Presenter: Dr. David Weller

Welcome to the resonance workshop where we will explore how energy waves manifest through sacred geometry, sound, and pure frequency to influence our molecular cells for best health.

Recognising ourselves as BioEnergy, BioField, or BioPlasma – a result of energy vibrations at a frequency in health (or dis-ease). The aims/outcomes of this workshop are for the audience to understand that everything is energy, that there are various frequencies of energy that can influence physical matter, and that the various frequencies of energy can manifest disease or health, and how that occurs. Participants should end up leaving with a new perspective on how energy and vibration influences our lives in everything that we do (from thoughts, words, the water and food that we drink and eat, sound, exposure to chemicals and microbes).

Presenter Bio:

Dr David Weller is a qualified PhD Research Scientist, Natural Health & BioEnergy Specialist, Healer, and Founder & Director of the Wellness Centre NatuneHeal. His mission is to share sacred and scientific knowledge by empowering individuals to increase the vibration of humanity and Mother Earth. To break down the myth that Science is different to Spirituality, and to show the bridge that joins us with both of these mysterious worlds. For further information, go to:

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